Room Name : Distant Earth Room edited by Scorpyo - August 1999 Room lay out : Microsoft V-Chat Kiva Music: Distant Earth - by Scorpyo History: ....... Spaceship: Prometeus 303 Logbook Year 2495 AC .......we have crashed onto this planet just out of the Solar system. Something did not work with the spacetime distortion comparator and the engines. We were heading to Sirio B system, but jumped off out here, too close to the planet to overcome gravity with engines at 15% residual power. We were left with the wrecked main ship, two shuttles, and 23 members of the crew. The liquid oxygen tanks are still intact, so we can produce a breathable atmosphere in the cabins, and some food cases are left too.. The shuttles are unceasingly flying to explore and find for some place where to settle and get food. The Bio-analizers have detected presence of life and vegetation. We do not have much time... Nights do appear strange here, the earth is in place of the moon, and we stare it, as our thoughts go to what we left there, meanwhile she hangs in the sky, silently spinning around........... Admiral Dirk Jameson ........