This space has been provided by TOONED IN. The design of this environment is based loosely on the Chetro Ketl Great Kiva located at Chaco Canyon, in New Mexico. Our depiction captures the spirit of the location, but does not accurately portray the architectural or environmental details of the site. For accurate archaeological information about Chetro Ketl, see the site provided by the Humanities and Social Sciences Department at the University of Santa Barbara: The images and links contained in this environment are intended to provide a cross-sectional view of American Indian culture, without representing any particular religious beliefs or practices. We welcome your comments for making this space more enjoyable. Contact: Cindy Ball (email: Tooned In 1127 E. Del Mar Blvd., #137 Pasadena, CA 91106 voice: (626) 405-1960, fax: (626) 405-1895 URL: Partners: Cindy Ball, Tim Hunkapiller, James Mahoney Design: Cindy Ball, Tim Hunkapiller Art Direction: Cindy Ball 3D Modeling: Jason Cervantes, Richard Matsushita Textures: Jason Cervantes, Craig Monson Avatars: Barb Meier, Cindy Ball Music: Mesa Music Consort, "Spirit Feathers", P.O. Box 781211 San Antonio, TX 78278 (210) 340-2468